
Logs are able to provide users with every piece of information currently known (listed in detail below) for each pending and completed mod run time. When a mod has been completed, the user must judge (approve or reject) the changes that were performed. If one or more of the mod patches fail, the user will instead be provided with information about why the mod failed.

Log Details

The details listed in a log are historical values and therefore certain values are supposed to display old configuration option values. For example, do not be alarmed if the mod title displayed in a log does not match the current mod title.

Log ID

The log ID is a unique and randomly generated value that is assigned to the log once it is no longer in the pending state.

Pending ID

The pending ID is a unique and randomly generated value that is assigned to the log before it has started running.

Mod ID

The mod ID is a unique and randomly generated value that is assigned to a mod when it is first created. Every log for the same mod will reflect the same mod ID.

Mod Title

The mod title is a configuration option. Please read Mod Configuration Options for more information.

Mod Path

The mod path is a configuration option. Please read Mod Configuration Options for more information.

Moderation Mode

The moderation mode is a configuration option. Please read Mod Configuration Options for more information.

Moderation Timer

The moderation timer is a configuration option. Please read Mod Configuration Options for more information.

Binary Mode

The binary mode is a configuration option. Please read Mod Configuration Options for more information.

Maintenance Mode

The maintenance mode is a configuration option. Please read Mod Configuration Options for more information.

Update Cooldown

The update cooldown is a configuration option. Please read Mod Configuration Options for more information.

Init Reason

The initialization reason (abbreviated "init reason") will display either Manual or Update depending on if it was run manually or as the result of an update. For more information on the type of updates that cause mods to run automatically, please read The Wordpress Update Process.

Init Subject List

The initialization subject list (abbreviated "init subject list") will only display something if the mod was run as a result of an update (see above). It will contain a list of the subjects that were updated during the update cooldown period. The subject list can contain core updates, theme updates, and plugin updates.

Init User

The initialization user (abbreviated "init user") will display the user that either ran the mod (if it was run manually) or will display the user that triggered the first subject update (see above). In the event of an auto-update, the init user will display System.


The datetime displays when the mod began to run.

Running Datetime

The running datetime displays when the mod last updated the log progress.

Finish Datetime

The finish datetime displays when the mod finished running.


The success value displays whether or not the mod was able to run the mod patches successfully.

Should Retry

The should retry value displays whether or not the mod will automatically be retried shortly due to a network failure. Please see Attempts below for information on the number of attempts.


The errors list will display any and all errors related to the mod run-time (even soft-errors due to misconfiguration of your mailer). If any errors occur, they should be accompanied by details that will allow your developer and/or site administrator to fix the mod before running it once again.

If the Success value (see above) displays No but the error list does not contain an appropriate error, or if the error listed is Unknown Error, please chat with our customer support by clicking here.

Running State

The running state will display whether or not the mod log is currently pending, running, or completed.


The attempts value will display the number of attempts that have occurred, as well as the threshold (aka limit) for the retry count.

Mods are retried when there is a network error during communication to the JointByte API server. However, if the mod log has reached the max number of attempts, it will not try again.


The progress value is a percentage that displays an estimated completion percentage for the mod log.


The changes displays the file or files that were modified during the patching process. It will also contain the SHA1 hash of each modified file.

Judgement Pending

The judgement pending value displays whether or not the mod log currently requires judgement. Judgements can occur automatically for a few reasons. Please see Judging Mods below for more information on judging mods.

Judgement Decision

The judgement decision value displays whether the mod log (if previously judged) was Accepted or Rejected.

Judgement Datetime

The judgement datetime displays when the mod log (if previously judged) was Accepted or Rejected.

Judgement User

The judgement user displays which user was responsible for judging the mod log (if previously judged).

Rejection Errors

When judging a mod log with a rejection, it is possible that one or more errors occur during the process of rolling back the necessary changes. If this is the case, they will be listed in detail here.

Most errors that may appear here will provide you with information on why the rejection failed, but you should chat with our support by clicking here if one or more errors is unclear.

Cleanup Status

Once a mod log has completed running, the scratch files used during the mod process must go through a cleanup process (i.e., they are deleted from the filesystem). The value displayed here will enable you to determine if the process has occurred yet. This process occurs automatically.

Cleanup Errors

During the cleanup process (see above) one or more errors might occur. These errors will be listed in detail here.

As noted previously, most errors will be accompanied by information on how to prevent further errors. However, you should chat with our support by clicking here if any errors are unclear.

Rejection Pending

The rejection pending value displays whether or not a rejected judgement is currently pending for the mod log. For more information on judging mods, please see Judging Mods below.

Backups (Rollback Actions)

The backups (aka rollback actions) display each file that is currently backed up. These backups are the opposite of the Changes (see above). Each backup that is displayed will be accompanied by the SHA1 of the file.

After a mod log has been Rejected, the backups are restored and if any errors occur they will be listed above (see Rejection Errors above).

Judging Mods

Once a mod has completed running, users are able to either keep the changes in place (aka, Approve) or revert the changes (aka, Reject). When mods are completed and pending judgement, the mailer will send you a notification via the email address that was specified during your Mailer Configuration Settings.

Please take care to note the moderation mode specified in the Mod Configuration Settings. There are currently two modes built into WordPatch.

  • Optimistic Mode: After the moderation timer has finished running, automatically approve mods unless they have been explicitly rejected.

  • Pessimistic Mode: After the moderation timer has finished running, automatically reject mods unless they have been explicitly accepted.

Both Optimistic Mode and Pessimistic Mode will auto-moderate a mod log if it is pending judgement while another instance of the same mod begins to run.

You may judge a mod by clicking the link provided in the email notification, or simply by navigating to the Mods page and finding the appropriate Judge button. Follow the steps on screen to either Accept or Reject the changes.