
There are several configuration settings that influence how and when mods are run by WordPatch. If you have not already read about the global settings, please read Global Configuration Settings before proceeding. Many of the settings listed below are set to inherit the global setting by default. 

Configuration Settings

Mod Title

The mod title should be used to label your mod. Make sure to provide a unique title to help you identify it quickly and appropriately.

Some good examples:

  • Adding hooks to autoloader

  • Remove cookies systematically

  • Cron zero-day exploit prevention

Mod Path

The mod path is the directory path (relative to the WordPress installation root) to which the mod should apply patches. If you leave this empty, then patches will be applied directly to your WordPress installation root.

Some good examples:

  • wp-content/plugins/elementor-pro

  • wp-content/themes/diorama

  • (you may leave this blank to specify your WordPress root directory)

Mod Moderation Mode

The moderation mode option allows you to specify which of the following modes you want to use for judging the mod after it has completed running:

  • Optimistic Mode: After the moderation timer (see below) has finished running, automatically approve the mod unless it has been explicitly rejected.

  • Pessimistic Mode: After the moderation timer (see below) has finished running, automatically reject the mod unless it has been explicitly accepted.

Both of the modes listed above work with the moderation timer as described below.

Mod Moderation Timer

The moderation timer is the length of time after the mod has completed running successfully that an automatic judgement will be cast. The automatic judgement will be based on the moderation mode (see above).

Mod Update Cooldown

The update cooldown option allows you to control the length of time between WordPress automatic updates (i.e., core, plugin, theme) and running an enabled mod. By default, this is set to three minutes. Each automatic update that occurs causes the existing timer (if any) to reset. You may find more information about The WordPress Update Process by clicking here.

Mod Retry Count

The retry count option allows you to control the number of times the mod will attempt to run in the event of a network error between WordPatch and the JointByte API server. By default, this is set to Three.

Mod Maintenance Mode

The maintenance mode option allows you to control whether or not to display a WordPress maintenance page when the mod is pending.

Mod Binary Mode

The binary mode option allows you to specify whether or not patches should be applied in binary mode. By default, this is set to: No.

Save Settings

Once you have specified your mod configuration settings, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save Mod to save.